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Winning Weekend For Most

Winning Weekend For Most

Donna Sutton6 Feb - 08:09
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From U12 to M1XI - Part 1

A fabulous weekend for most of our teams as they travelled across Hampshire for the wins.
First up the W2XI with an improving picture in their game against Havant and yet again a superb defensive show of might with Liz getting Star of the Match again for what must be the 4th game in a row, a 9-0 defeat but an incredible squad that are bonding and developing well - great progress ladies.
Next up the M1898s with their mind blowing win against (again) top of the league Basingstoke (at Winchester) with a close 1-2 win! Basingstoke having only lost to the mighty 1898, well done.
Next the M2XI who played Lavant away at Chichester, a tough gig as always against an older more experienced team with the goals just not materialising. A 4-1 loss.
Next the W1XI who were expecting a challenging game with Petersfield, unsurprisingly there were moments of brilliance and goal stopping but our ladies grabbed a great win at 6-0.
Following shortly after were M1XI with a fast and furious game against a much younger squad of Salisbury players who put on an amazing performance but moments of sheer brilliance started with Jon and then by the Good brothers.
Well done everyone. Photo of the M1XI in their Storm Hockey shirts, by Ian Clarke.

Part 2 - Sunday up next.

Further reading